By Joe Rosenthal
, updated

I have discovered that Prince Street Pizza has had a years-long history of problematic behavior toward customers, often pertaining to race. My coverage of the situation with Prince Street Pizza spans several posts on my Instagram account, including Restaurateurs on Social Being Racist and Gaslighter Weekly, and an Instagram Story Highlight. I summarized much of what I’ve reported on at the time during an episode of Have You Eaten Yet.

What follows is some supporting evidence of major parts of the aforementioned Instagram posts and Story Highlight. Note that content exists within the Instagram Story Highlight that is not covered by this document, including additional problematic Yelp responses and Facebook posts, and examples of dangerous COVID-19 behavior, such as suggesting potential customers take advantage of cheap flights during the pandemic to obtain their pizza and a pattern of failing to wear masks. My Instagram Story Highlight should be viewed for a full view of I’ve released.

Problematic Yelp responses to reviewers claiming they experienced racism at Prince Street Pizza:

  • Go shit in your hat (10/13/2020) [Yelp] [Archive]
  • Go shit in a hat you racist clown (12/14/2019) [Yelp] [Archive]
  • Go fuck you’re self you disgusting race card playing c*** (8/23/2019) [Yelp] [Archive]
  • You are a disgrace too [sic] the Asian community, you are nothing but a mongrel!!" (9/18/2017) [Twitter] [Archive]

Video Laughing About Black Lives Matter Protestors Being Hit by Cars

Why did BLM and other protestors Cross the Road? to get run over by angry drivers Reposted by Prince Street Pizza owner Dominic Morano on 12/1/2016 via Morano’s now-deactivated Facebook page, shown in the image below. Warning, this video is disturbing, and it can be difficult to watch. [IGTV Video Archive] [Original Facebook Link]

Screenshot of Prince Street Pizza Owner, Dominic Morano’s Facebook repost, featuring a video of Black Lives Matter Protestors getting hit by cars.
Screenshot of Prince Street Pizza Owner, Dominic Morano’s Facebook repost, featuring a video of Black Lives Matter Protestors getting hit by cars.
Screenshot of Prince Street Pizza Owner, Dominic Morano’s Facebook repost, featuring a video of Black Lives Matter Protestors getting hit by cars.Joe Rosenthal

Joe Rosenthal (@joe_rosenthal) Instagram Story describing the Black Lives Matter protestor video reposted by Dominic Monaro. December 24, 2020.
Joe Rosenthal (@joe_rosenthal) Instagram Story describing the Black Lives Matter protestor video reposted by Dominic Monaro. December 24, 2020.
Joe Rosenthal (@joe_rosenthal) Instagram Story describing the Black Lives Matter protestor video reposted by Dominic Monaro. December 24, 2020.@joe_rosenthal

Matthew Famularo (@matthewfamularo.svg) reposting Joe Rosenthal's (@joe_rosenthal) Story with added text. December 24, 2020
Matthew Famularo (@matthewfamularo.svg) reposting Joe Rosenthal's (@joe_rosenthal) Story with added text. December 24, 2020
Matthew Famularo (@matthewfamularo.svg) reposting Joe Rosenthal's (@joe_rosenthal) Story with added text. December 24, 2020@matthewfamularo.svg

Direct message between Matthew Famularo (@matthewfamularo.svg) and Prince Street Pizza (@psp_ny). Prince Street Pizza’s official Instagram defending the 2016 repost of the video featuring Black Lives Matter protestors being hit by cars. December 24, 2020
Direct message between Matthew Famularo (@matthewfamularo.svg) and Prince Street Pizza (@psp_ny). Prince Street Pizza’s official Instagram defending the 2016 repost of the video featuring Black Lives Matter protestors being hit by cars. December 24, 2020
Direct message between Matthew Famularo (@matthewfamularo.svg) and Prince Street Pizza (@psp_ny). Prince Street Pizza’s official Instagram defending the 2016 repost of the video featuring Black Lives Matter protestors being hit by cars. December 24, 2020@matthewfamularo.svg

Thin Blue Line Sign on Door

A Thin Blue Line sign, a symbol that has come to be antithetical to Black Lives Matter was present at the front of the Prince St. shop from 2015 to 2019:

Photo of Prince Street Pizza store front posted on Instagram, featuring a Thin Blue Line flag sign on the pizzeria's front door. December 3, 2019
Photo of Prince Street Pizza store front posted on Instagram, featuring a Thin Blue Line flag sign on the pizzeria's front door. December 3, 2019
Photo of Prince Street Pizza store front posted on Instagram, featuring a Thin Blue Line flag sign on the pizzeria's front door. December 3, 2019@mbellina360